Author Archives: Larch
7 of the Best Places to Eat in Maun
Maun in Botswana has some amazing places to eat. Excellent for vegetarians, vegans and meat-eaters [...]
Awesome Afternoon Tea at The Chesterton Hotel, Bicester: Review
This post about the Afternoon Tea Experience was created in collaboration with The Chesterton Hotel, [...]
Guide to become a Qualified CAA PfCO Drone Pilot
Drones seem to be constantly in the news these days, especially after the various near-collisions [...]
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Visiting the Kelso Farmers Market at Christmas
It wasn’t my intention to be in Kelso in December, but I decided to go [...]
2019 Travel Plans – where I am going & where I would like to go
2019 has only just started, and already my travel plans for the year are beginning [...]
Review of 2018 – an amazing year, but not quite what I planned!
2018 was an interesting year with 10 countries visited and some of my bucket list [...]
Ceará, Brazil – What you need to know before you go
The essential things you need to know before you go to Ceará, Brazil.
The Best Travel Gifts for the Traveller in Your Life 2018
It is that time of the year again when we start looking for presents for [...]
Making Friends at the Stunning Kite Festival in Jaipur
Sometimes when you travel, what sticks in your mind more than all the religious and [...]
Why I use a VPN to keep me safe when I Travel
Do you use a VPN to protect your data when you are online? Anyone who [...]